Silencing the Thunder

As thunderous explosions rain from heretic artillery high in the mountains of Gracius Prime, a monumental blizzard threatens the men and women to the Grekion 495th Imperial Guard […]

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Silencing the Thunder

As thunderous explosions rain from heretic artillery high in the mountains of Gracius Prime, a monumental blizzard threatens the men and women to the Grekion 495th Imperial Guard […]

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The Traitor’s Hymn

You are agents of the Varonius Flotilla, a fleet of ships led by Jakel Varonius, a Rogue Trader and the de facto lord of the Gilead sector. He […]

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Silencing the Thunder

As thunderous explosions rain from heretic artillery high in the mountains of Gracius Prime, a monumental blizzard threatens the men and women to the Grekion 495th Imperial Guard […]

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