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Heroes of Operation Archon ♦
February 23 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FreeBased on the Critically Acclaimed MMORPG.The party has joined the ranks of the Eorzean Alliance as it forges ahead with “Operation Archon,” the realm’s united front against the Garlean Empire. Day after day, they fight valiantly to ensure Eorzea remains free. But ill tidings have come from the front line: The Order of the Twin Adder’s forces have been devastated by a mysterious and lethal warmachina.
“An Eorzean Scenario, Recommended for a Light Party of Level 50 Adventurers”
This game is taking part in Boons! A boon may be spent:
1) To increase the number of uses for an ability.
2) To gain an advantage die on any ability roll.
3) To restore one use of the limit break. (The Limit Break must be active for this boons as designated by the GM).